Joe on 2006 Harley Ultra Classic with Training Wheels

Joe on 2006 Harley Ultra Classic with Training Wheels
Bike and trailer are ready to travel

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Love Riding My Harley with Training Wheels

Every day that I get to ride, I feel more comfortable with the bike.  Today after church, I took a short ride out the lake Bogue Homa and visited with a couple that also ride bikes.  I met them about 3 weeks ago when I took my first ride out to the lake. 

This coming week, I will again be taking the long ride to Hammond, LA on Tuesday and back home on Wednesday evening or Thursday.  Then on Friday, I plan to ride to Grand Bay, AL and take Brandi for a spin, might even let Steve ride the Harley.  On Sunday, Anna may be able to take a spin also.  The ride to Grand Bay should be interesting since some of the ride will be on 2 lane hilly road (highway 15) but I think it will be a good ride.

I am still debating whether to remove the kit from the 2006 and put it on the 2004.  I really like the '04 model a lot - especially the color.  Both are beauties but there is just something about the '04 that makes me want to keep it and sell the '06.  Oh well, that is a delimina that I will have to solve sooner than later.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Motorcycle Momma

Today, after church and lunch, Betty and I took a ride on the Harley with training wheels.  I took this picture of my motorcycle momma with class.  Who thinks that a woman who rides on a bike cannot have some class about her?  Not me, I think she's still got it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Proud Grandparents

Recently, our granddaughter Brandi, graduated from Springhill College in Mobile with her Masters of Arts Degree in Education Teaching.  We are so proud of her accomplishments and know that she will make a wonderful teacher of History and Spanish.  Her plans include some time to teach and save money so she can get her Doctors Degree and be qualified to teach at the College Level. 

Receiving her Certificate of Completion of requirements for the Masters Degree

The Graduate

Joe and Betty with Brandi at her reception after graduation.

Next to graduate will be Brittany from Un. of Southern Mississippi and Anna Marie from Faith Academy in Mobile.  We are so happy for all our grandchildren and feel they will all succeed at their chosen field of endeavor.

First long trip on the Harley

Today, I took my first long trip on the Harley.  I rode to Saucier, MS to pick up the pull-behind trailer.  I was a really nice ride and the trailer pulled very well - didn't know it was behind me unless I looked in the rear view mirrow. The morning started overcast and cool but the further south I went, the skys cleared up and it was a perfect day for a ride.  I saw many bikes on the road and guess that most were enjoying the beautiful weather like I was.

I plan to use the trailer to haul my stuff to Hammond, LA if the weather will allow for that long trip.  I suggested to Betty that we could load all of our camping gear and spend a couple of days outdoors.  You can imagine the answer - no way will she spend a night in a tent.  I think we will have to travel but sleep in a hotel/motel in order to get her to go with me.

Riding in the open air is totally different than in the car.  You smell more of nature, cooking in homes or restaurants, and the odor from the automobiles that pass you by.  I will be nice to be able to take a long trip one of these days to see and smell places that we haven't been before.

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 7 and 8th - 2011

Betty, mother and I will be attending our grand daughter's graduation ceremony at Springhill College in Mobile - she has just completed work on her master's degree and we are so proud of her for this great accomplishment.

Sunday the 8th is Mother's Day.  It is a time for us to pay our respects to our moms and spouses who are also moms.  Mothers are probably the most influential   person on one's life - good mothers create good kids.  We also are blessed with good daugher and daughters-in-law who are also terriffic mothers to their children.  We also have a granddaughter who is in the same category as a terriffic mom.

Can't Believe its been a year.

Almost a year ago I wrote my last blog entry and it's hard to beleive that it has been that long.
I will be attending the annual Technical Conferance sponsored by the Mississippi Society of CPAs next week and that was covered in last year's blog entry.

A lot has gone on in the Morgan household but time is of the essence today so I will have to come back later to fill in all the information.

Two major things during this period were the celebration of mom's 90th birthday.  Many friends and most of the family were able to attend.  She is doing really well for someone of her age and we hope that she will continue without any sickness or other major health problems.

Margaret Morgan on the left and her 92 year old sister, Mary, on the right.  There is definately good genes in the Bilbo family. 

The second major occurance in my life was getting a different Harley Davidson.  This one is what I call an old man's toy with training wheels.  So far it  has offered me a lot more security when I ride that the 2 wheel heavy bike that I will be selling now that I have this one.  I wish it had been the same color as the 2004 model but it was available  and fit the needs that I have.  Maybe I can take a long trip for a couple of days and maybe even camp out some. I will be looking for a pull behind trailer to go with this bike so I can take sufficient clothes, cooking gear, etc. for a long trip.

2006 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic with a Voyager kit (my training wheels).