Joe on 2006 Harley Ultra Classic with Training Wheels

Joe on 2006 Harley Ultra Classic with Training Wheels
Bike and trailer are ready to travel

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day Two of New York Trip


After getting a few hours of sleep, it was time for me to get ready for a business meeting with Tempico’s Chairman/Counsel and Avtar Jirh from Enpure Limited of the UK.  This was scheduled as a meeting of convenience because I was going to be in New York.  I didn’t mind using a couple of hours to discuss business and thought it would not affect our trip to the city. 
St. Louis Cathedral
Mary Liggio took charge of Betty while we had the meeting.  They did a little sightseeing and I was surprised that Betty was able to last as long as she did.  Generally she cannot walk too far and has to stop to rest.  Mary took her to see St. Louis’s Cathedral, Penn Station and around Times Square.  The following are a few of the pictures that she took on the walk.
Inside Penn Station
Street View of St. Louis Cathedral
Betty has always been fascinated by the architecture and loves to take pictures when she can. They can only serve as a refresher of the of what she saw but nothing can replace the actual feel you get being there in person
Inside is very beautiful

Rockefeller Center
 The inside of St. Louis Cathedral is very beautiful and luck would have it, a wedding was scheduled while Betty and Mary were inside.  We were told that this is very common as many weddings take place there.

We have seen this image many times on the TV but never in person.  It has more meaning after you get to see something in person and visit the places you have only read about or seen on the TV.


After walking around for a while and seeing some of these beautiful sights, Betty found a place to catch her breath.  She wasn't alone as many others had found the same area to take a breather.

After we had a short rest, we joined Carl and Mary Liggio, Avtar and his daughter for dinner at a private club that was very good and ideal for us to enjoy each other’s company.  Pictured below inside one of the club’s upstairs parlors is our group.  As you can see we are very contented after a delicious dinner.
The Liggios, the Jirhs and the Morgans
in one of the upstairs parlors of the club.

The next day would be the first day that Betty and I would have to do a little exploring on our own.  We did have a good nights rest to help make it with our walking.  I will try to get posted in a few days.  


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