Joe on 2006 Harley Ultra Classic with Training Wheels

Joe on 2006 Harley Ultra Classic with Training Wheels
Bike and trailer are ready to travel

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year Has Begun

The Morgan family has been really blessed over the years with good health and wonderful relationships. Since my last posting, we have celebrated another Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.  This year we made an early decision to cut back on the amount of money that we spent on Christmas gifts by having  everyone buy a gift that would be given through the dirty Santa method.  That was totally different for most of us and was interesting to say the least.  Normally it would take hours to give out the gifts and we would not even get to see many of the ones that were given.  This time it was different because the gift had to be opened and was subject to being claimed by someone else.  The main reason that I think it was a success was the emphasis was more about enjoying each other and having a great time with each other rather than how many gifts you got or gave. 

The one sad point was that Steve and Ashley could not join us.  Steve had surgery on the 22nd to correct some disk problem in his upper spine.  This was successful and for that we are all thankful and look forward to his complete recovery.

News years was spent in Grand Bay with  Steve and family since we did not get to see them at Christmas.  We brought in the new year with fireworks and fellowship with family.  I also got to spend some time in a deer stand over the weekend and saw one small 4 pointer, a few squirrels and birds but nothing in the way of big deer.  Maybe that will come later.

While in Grand Bay, we were able to visit Brandi at her new home and was really impressed with the neat home that she bought.  I think it will be a really good place for her and Brandon to start their married life at the end of April.  We are so proud of her and the way that she took on the challenge of getting her loan, finding a nice house, making a good trade and selecting some really nice furniture to complement the house. 

We also got to see Anna in Mobile's Moon Pie New Year parade.  This was our first time to see her in all her fancy dress as an Azalea Trail Maid.  She is such a lovely person and well grounded in her school and other activities.  She has chosen to attend University of South Alabama next year.  I am sure she will do well in college.

Terry and his family were able to join us at Christmas and they had a good time with us.  Joseph and Benjamin are growing up to be fine young men.  Joseph is playing soccer and is active in the boy scouts program.  Benjamin plays soccer in his special league.  Terry and Jan are very active in their new church and seem to be very happy doing work they feel led to do by God.  Terry has also taken on a new position with Cisco that will require him to travel extensively but one that I think will really be good for his future with the company and offer him the satisfaction and fullfillment as he best uses his tallents.

Shelley and David, Brittany, Morgan, PJ and Macy are doing well and are a blessing to the family as we depend on them to help with all that is required here in Laurel.  Mother has had some problems and has taken a couple of falls - so far no broken bones.  She has had some treatment for iron deficiency and may have to continue to do so as her system doesn't seem to produce enough on its own.

Mississippi State University was probably one of the best 6 and 6 teams in the country.  Being in the SEC and in the division with the likes of LSU, ALABAMA and Auburn is a challenge. They did well and went to and won the Music City Bowl in Nashville.  I think the future looks good for them and I am glad that we finally have a good coach that seems to like where he is and hopefully he will continue to remain in Starkville and build the winning team that he should be able to.